easier sausage frying
I make sausage gravy often. Buy it by the pound, put it in the
skillet, add 1/4 c flour and mash it out while frying with the back of
a cooking fork. When it is done frying, you already have the thickener
for the gravy cooked, just add milk and stir well to thicken and get
the flour off the bottom of the pan. Try some nutmeg, cinnamon and a
little cayenne for a different flavor. And bless you for helping in
the kitchen. Nan
nefletch wrote:
> first off, I am just a househusband who likes to help out
> by fixing breakfast before school/work, so I don't know
> too much.
> I like to fry up a little patty sausage to put in the gravy
> when making biscuits and gravy. If I fry it as a patty, and
> then try to break it up, it's just a time consuming task to
> tear it into little tiny bits, as it does not fall apart like
> hamburger. If I try to break it up before cooking, it's the
> same thing, time consuming and messy. The other day I
> thought it to be smart and try to mix it with a bit of flour
> and mix it together, thinking it would break up easier.
> Wow, did I have a sticky mess.....lol I could hardly get
> the goo off my hands. Anyone have a trick to make it
> easier to get small chunks of sausage outside of the time
> consuming task of breaking it bit by bit. thank you in
> advance.....