"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Wed 14 Jan 2009 02:39:38a, Bravo Sierra Computers told us...
>> Does anyone have a Microwave Recipe for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese? I
>> want to cook a box in the Microwave, not on the Stove Top. E-Mail
>> Please Answer! Please Reply Irregardless of your
>> Answers! Thanx! =-=Ben=-=
> Sorry, but this is a Usenet newsgroup. We don't email answers to people.
> Hopefully you will read the answer here...
> Please note that pasta and rice to not cook appreciably faster in a
> microwave than they do on stovetop. That said, follow the directions on
> the box of the Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Use a 2-quart casserole. Add
> the water the casserole and bring to a boil in the microwave on 100%
> power.
> Add the macaroni and return to a boil on 100% power. Reduce power to
> whatever lower power setting will maintain a steady slow boil (power
> setting will vary with the microwave), otherwise it will boil over. Cook
> for the required amount of time. Drain, return macaroni to casserole, and
> complete preparation according to box directions.
> --
> Wayne Boatwright
Whether on the stovetop or the microwave, after I drain the macaroni, I toss
in a generous half cup of supermarket type fresh grated cheese, and then
proceed with milk, imitation butter, and the Kraft powdered cheese. It
raises Mac and Cheese to a new level.