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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default [OT] Neighborhood Ball running commentary..

Pennyaline wrote:

> Okay, maybe that was a severe portrayal of Laura Bush on my part, but
> she was certainly as mousy and plain as they come. She was a First Lady
> with absolutely no style and who left no impression. She's not even good
> for caricature.
> So unlike Rosalyn Carter, who until Mrs. Bush the presented the picture
> of the most unassuming woman in recent White House memory. Even Mrs.
> Carter had her own opinions and she offered them without hesitation. She
> was hardly a script-reading librarian like Mrs. Bush.

I don't expect my First Lady's to perform on command. They're not
elected nor hired.
Laura Bush's legacy is that she was a teacher and librarian, and I've
read that she's very shy naturally. She acted like a teacher and
librarian and promoted literacy as her pet cause. No, not flashy, but
why do we need a flashy First Lady? She was gracious to the max- just
what we *do* expect and need.