Diane Feinstein makes me sick to my stomach!
On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 00:44:08 +0000 (UTC), Andy wrote:
> Dimitri said...
>> "Andy" > wrote in message news:Xns9B99BE9BCE863CotD@
>>> Dimitri said...
>>>> "Andy" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> Diane Feinstein makes me sick to my stomach!
>>>>> Andy
>>>> Move to California and vote her out!
>>>> Dimitri
>>> I remember Feinstein after Harvey Milk was assinated and her bullshit
>>> politics that followed.
>>> I also remember her bullshit--without voting--assault weapons bans!!!
>>> I left the bay area soon after and Kalifornia (because of her sick
> ****ed
>>> up way of doing business).
>>> And her friend Barbara Boxer sucks too!!!
>>> Friggin' Kalifornia!
>>> Andy
>> Hey we do a great job here in California
>> Diane Feinstein
>> Barbara Boxer
>> Maxine Waters
>> Jerry Brown
>> Grey Davis
>> Etc.....
>> It's people like the above who - well never mind
>> I guess you get what you vote for.
>> Dimitri
> Geez,
> Ya had to remind me!?!
> Jerry Brown and Linda Ronstadt doping it up in Morocco!
> And Gerry "we'll never run out of money" Brown? You can bank on Orange
> County!!!
> Andy
> 0% interest in Kalifornia
for someone who has zero interest, you sure seem to get worked up about
their politicians. if you had even a slight interest, you might have an
aneurysm or something.