Jethro > wrote:
> When I first started winemaking (4 years ago) my first 5-gallon
> efforts were good - we all liked them.
> However, the past two years, I have had the devils own job. I made a
> Beaverdale kit for "Valpolicella", put a belt on it, and kept it in a
> polystyrene box. It had 3 weeks to ferment, and the s.g. got to 995
> with all airlock activity ceased.
> I cleared it, and left it for 2 more weeks.
> I went to bottle it, tasted a bit, and it was terribly sweet :-(
> This keeps on happening, despite my using the hydrometer (which I've
> checked, and it reads 1.000 in water). Is there any more I can do ?
> thanks guys
I have just placed a Beaverdale Pinot Noire in to a 1 gallon wine box
and it tastes sweeter than it should. I would not say it is terribly
sweet, though,
I have been making wines for over 30 years, both country and grape kits.
I used to use Grand Maison, but can't get it here in Exeter, so moved to
Beavedale. I prefer the proper wine grape varieties.
I think the previous red I made was a Beaverdale Merlot and that was OK.
Thanks and regards, Shane.
"A closed mouth gathers no feet!"
Email: Beware the invalid word! shane at wonk dot demon dot co dot uk