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Pennyaline[_7_] Pennyaline[_7_] is offline
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Default [OT] Neighborhood Ball running commentary..

Becca wrote:
> You are so right. Beyonce was born in Houston, and Houstonians have
> watched her perform since she was three yrs old. Her parents were
> determined to make her a star. She has had all the singing and dancing
> lessons you can imagine, but her voice just doesn't cut it. I was
> embarrassed for Beyonce when I watched Dreamgirls, because she was the
> worst singer in the group. She is attractive, wears revealing clothing
> and she wiggles just right. That obviously counts.
> She is a cutie, but she not Etta James.
> Beyonce

"... And life is like a
sooooooo-ong-ong-ong-ong-ong-ong-ong-ong-on-o-o-o-ong-- hey-ey
yeah-ah-ah-aaaahhhh..." Holy shit.

And the staging of that Beyonce number... the dance was supposed to
focus all eyes on the Obamas, and there's Ol' Yeller standing up on a
raised platform at the same level, sharing the spotlight and the shot
with them! Time to bring back decorum and protocol. Where is Leticia
Baldridge? Just sing, girlie, don't mug and don't try to "share this
moment" with the President!