Spam, crossposting and killfile
"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> Kswck wrote:
>> I now have 449 e mail addresses in my killfile. Of that, over 125
>> comes from this group-whether it be the trolls, the crossposters with
>> messages
> of
>> hate or the selling of 'handbags' or some such.
>> I have to wonder why this group specifically seems to attract the
>> idiots more so than other discussion groups. Any thoughts?
> A lot of the idiots were pulled in here by Master Idiot Peter Lucas
> last month...there were/are a LOT of them.
You're living up to your name, moron morrow.
There are *3* (three) stalker/trolls.
Putz (aka pits)
kirkland........ who is the pathetic asswipe who makes up many. *many*
fake ID's, in the vain hope that someone will talk to it.
Now go crawl back into your hole, you moron.
Peter Lucas
"And where is the Prince who can afford to so cover his country with
troops for its defense, as that ten thousand men descending from the
clouds, might not in many places do an infinite deal of mischief, before
a force could be brought together to repel them?"
Benjamin Franklin 1748