Thread: Egg Safety....
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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Egg Safety....

"phaeton" wrote
> cshenk wrote:

>> still pretty minimal. In Japan, they dont really have the same 'battery
>> chicken' habits. In Sasebo, eggs were so fresh, they might as well have
>> still been warm from the chicken (grin). Brought in from the outlaying

> When I was a kid we always had 'pet Bantams', of sorts. The "still warm
> from the chicken" eggs are pretty much what I grew up with. I remember
> them tasting different too (although I don't know how chicken eggs vary
> from breed to breed).

They dont really. If I remember what others have told me right, the Bantam
lays brown eggs and not as prolific but has a better meat gain and is more

> It sounds like you were/are in Japan?

Grin, 'was'. 2001-2007. Sasebo, Japan. I had a fun watch of the pic you
showed as it lead among links to a Naritia McDonalds which I've been to. I
remember it mostly because that minimal step made me trip (grin).

You won't see that particular 'recipe' for raw egg with rice in a restraunt
as it's too simple really, but if you live there, you will see it many a
time. The young guys with not much money yet, would even have it outside
the ship as a cold breakfast in a bento box in winter.

Here's how I observed that. I was (still am for 2 months) Navy and then on
a ship homeported in Sasebo Japan.

The Japanese workers would gather for work about 30 mins before work started
(work ethics are a little different there). A still chilled from the fridge
egg would come out and be cracked over cold rice and mixed with a little soy
then eaten as they chattered. More flush older employees would have rice
with fishball and pickled 'something or other of the day'.

Most would also have a thermos of hot dashi-miso soup to go with this and a
cold iced coffee from the various vending machines at the pier.