phaeton wrote:
> I dunno about you folks, but whenever I fry eggs I like them runny.
> Nothing seems to do "steak and eggs" like each bite of steak richly
> coated with runny egg yolk.
> Which is interesting, because I'm overparanoid about food-borne illness,
> etc.
> However, there's a simple Japanese breakfast component called Tamago
> Kake Gohan:
> As you can see it's a dash of soy sauce beaten into a raw egg, which is
> then mixed in with a bowl of rice. I think I'd love it. But do you all
> think that the chances of getting sick from a completely raw egg are
> much less the fresher the egg is? Or is it more like "one in every
> million eggs contains salmonella, even if the shell is 100% intact", and
> I'd just be rolling the dice each time?
> I know not to use eggs that are cracked or expired.
> Thanks
> -Jared
In the US, on the order of 1 out of 10,000+ eggs contains salmonella
You can decide for yourself if that represents unacceptably high risk
At my house, Steak Tartar at least once a month
All fried eggs served runny