Thread: Egg Safety....
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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Egg Safety....

phaeton wrote:
> cshenk wrote:
>> "phaeton" wrote
>>> cshenk wrote:

> I don't know if I'm following the "links to Naritia McDonalds" part... I
> would hope that McDonald's hasn't infested the lovely island of Japan,
> but my gut feeling is that it has.

Most of the industrial fast food places opened up shop there.

> But yes, Bantam chickens lay small brown eggs. So if you were going to
> make what's normally a "three egg omelet" you'd probably use four or
> five Bantam eggs.
> Miso Soup FTW, btw. I actually alternate between Shiro Miso and Aka
> Miso as complement to sandwiches or breakfast. Osuimono will
> occasionally happen. There are times when you just *need* soup. Not a
> thick, hearty soup, just a nice, watery, thin, but flavorfully salty
> soup. Miso is the only answer.

Miso soup is one of my favorites for breakfast. I like aka miso and that
is what I usually use. I also make a "country style" miso soup with
cabbage, carrots, potatoes, onions, wakame and tofu for other meals.

> I hope someday to go to Japan. Thanks for the insight.
> -Jared

It is an interesting place. It is a good idea to plan on visiting other
places aside from
the cities (especially Tokyo) if you want to experience Japan.