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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Cooking For Hard Times...

Kathleen > wrote:
> We've decided to substantially enlarge our vegetable and herb garden
> this year.
> I gave some thought to acquiring a few hens or ducks for eggs and to
> help keep the insects down but apparently municipal regulations prohibit this.

Poultry attracts far more insects than they eliminate.

> I mean to lean on our alderman about the matter. �If it doesn't

> stink or transmit rabies, why should anybody else care?

Livestock pollutes the ground water, runoff, and in turn all nearby
water bodies including private wells. Livestock, especially poultry,
carries many communicable diseases, many which infect humans and
wildlife. Livestock smells foul, livestock is noisy, livestock
attracts preditors and nuisance animals, many of which are dangerous
to humans and other domestic animals as well as local wildlife and are
destructive to property, both private lands as well as park lands adn
other government lands.

Municipal codes and zoning laws are in place to proctect all citizens
and the environment. If you want to engage in an agri business then
you need to relocate to a more rural location where it's permited, and
you still must obey the local laws.

Keep in mind there are laws governing flora too, you can't just plant
whatever you like however you like, you cannot use whatever agri
chemicals you like in whatever quantity you like.