Thread: Egg Safety....
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Default Egg Safety....

"phaeton" wrote
> cshenk wrote:

> I don't know if I'm following the "links to Naritia McDonalds" part... I
> would hope that McDonald's hasn't infested the lovely island of Japan, but
> my gut feeling is that it has.

Grin, sorry. I did sort seege over on ya there. The link you posted, has
other links off it and one shows a pretty typical Japanese version of
McDonalds. McD is seen everywhere and Japan is no exception.

When traveling about Asia all those years, I saw plenty of them. Darwin is
about the only place I don't recall seeing one. Oh, and I think maybe
Pohang (Korea). Since i normally ate 'native' they were more of a place
marker for us to use to meet up.

Before you scoff too hard, the quality of the Japan ones was alot higher and
there were some added menu items (like the wasabi fish nuggets). Since I
lived in Sasebo, we ate at McD's a few times there. They also have a KFC in
Sasebo and onbase, you'd find a few other things familiar like Popeye's

Mostly though we ate at Guyemon's (a Japan chain, good food at a decent
price for Japan's prices). It's a bit like a Denny's but with a bigger menu
and a mix of American and Japanese dishes. Don (HWMBO) and I would eat
Japanese dishes and Charlotte varied but when younger would eat the kids
menu then nibble something 'native' off my or Don's plates.

> But yes, Bantam chickens lay small brown eggs. So if you were going to
> make what's normally a "three egg omelet" you'd probably use four or five
> Bantam eggs.

Bantams may be what was most common in Sasebo then? The colors of the eggs
ranged naturally but were rarely the 'pristine white' you needed for easter
eggs. We had to get those at the commisary.

Keep the smaller size in mind when making authentic Japanese recipes. They
size to a USA Medium egg.

> Miso Soup FTW, btw. I actually alternate between Shiro Miso and Aka Miso
> as complement to sandwiches or breakfast. Osuimono will occasionally
> happen. There are times when you just *need* soup. Not a thick, hearty
> soup, just a nice, watery, thin, but flavorfully salty soup. Miso is the
> only answer.

Definately. And it's not just for breakfast! (grin). If you didnt know, a
traditional Japanese breakfast is a miso soup with rice. The soup and rice
may be served separately, or may be added together for a 'rice porridge' (a
thin to thick gruel that has to be tried to understand).

> I hope someday to go to Japan. Thanks for the insight.

No problem! I see in another thread folks asking about good Japanese
cookbooks. Karen Green has a decent one called 'Japanese cooking for the
American Kitchen'. I like better Tokiko Suzuki's 'Japanese homestyle
cooking' but in some of them the ingredients have to be adapted because you
can't find the item stateside. I found it very useful though when in Sasebo
and just starting with some of the products there.

There's a huge difference in visiting a country, and living there so my
'insights' relate to living there for almost 7 years. Buying live eels and
learning to skin them, etc.