Winter fruit
The Ranger wrote:
> Miche > wrote in message
> ...
> [snip]
>>>> Agent Weasel (who is 10 1/2 and as TALL AS ME,
>>> You're lyin', Miche >
>> So totally tellin' the truth, Barb -- the Weasel can look
>> me straight in the eye.
> Daughter-units Alpha and Beta are also at that
> look-me-straight-in-the-eye stage... <sigh> They're lovin' it,
> and never miss a moment to point it out to their friends. I,
> OTOH, find it totally discouraging.
> I do understand how my Sainted Mother(tm) felt the day Little
> Brother and I pointed it out to her...
> The "Dwarfed" Ranger
About the same way I felt when our younger child, Dear Son,
stood next to me and announced "Now the only one shorter than
you in our house is the cat."
Hey, I didn't ask to be (almost) 5'2". It's the fault of those
darned short Portuguese genes.
gloria p