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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default What to do with.... Cherimoya???

Rosie wrote:

> I love Cherimoya, I can find them now in the grocery, but by March
> they are gone. I usually eat them with a spoon... does any one have
> any good ideas to have them in a different way??

Eating with a spoon is pretty much the best thing to do with a cherimoya. If
you *must* do something else, you can push it through a strainer to make a
kind of mousse, but that's no real improvement. Chunks of cherimoya add a
nice flavor to fruit salads. You can mash it up and then put it into a
cheesecloth-lined strainer to separate out the juice; that can add a kind of
musky "tropical" flavor to a glass of iced tea or other uncooked food or
drink, but it's a bit wasteful.

There are some good complementary flavors in the spice rack; you could try
cutting the fruit into chunks and sprinkling either with freshly-ground
nutmeg or dried ginger.
