Converting NBBD to Make Lump Charcoal ?
I have a NBBD (older model with the heavier gauge metal). After having
recently purchased a WSM, I don't think I will use it (the NBBD) again for Q
ing. It's terribly difficult to control the heat, even with the mods, and
it's a huge fuel hog.
My question to the group is; Has anyone here converted a NBBD to a lump
charcoal maker? Do you think it would be a good idea?
I was thinking of using the food compartment for the wood, and am in the
process of figuring out a way to close any drafts from the firebox. Since
the stack has a closure on it already, I would think it could quite easily
be converted to serve the purpose of a lump maker. I don't want to reinvent
the wheel so if anyone has already done this, let me know how it works if
you will.