Thread: beef brisket
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default beef brisket

> wrote in message
> Hi, my family has cattle so they throw me some beef parts here and
> there. I have a good size beef brisket, what should I do with it? I
> was thinking BBQ but I've never done brisket. It's been thawed for a
> little while so I should do something with it asap, as in tonight. Any
> suggestions, how long to cook. I was thinking the oven but a crockpost
> would be an option.
> thanks

Slow cook it, oven or crockpot, until it becomes tender at about 185
degrees. There will be a lot of fat rendered so do check the pan. Great as
bbq too. It is a tough hunk of meat so the collagen needs to break down and
that takes time. Once done, it is very tender and tasty.
Makes good hamburgers when ground too.