Thread: beef brisket
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Default beef brisket

modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 21:23:27 -0800 (PST), wrote:
> >Hi, my family has cattle so they throw me some beef parts here and
> >there. I have a good size beef brisket, what should I do with it? I
> >was thinking BBQ but I've never done brisket. It's been thawed for a
> >little while so I should do something with it asap, as in tonight. Any
> >suggestions, how long to cook. I was thinking the oven but a crockpost
> >would be an option.
> >
> >thanks

> Barbecued brisket here in Texas is something of a commitment. Most Q
> joints will smoke their brisket low and slow for 18 hours or so to
> gelatinize the collagen -- i.e. make a tough cut tender.

Great, I admire dedicated BBQ joints.

> Another option would be to make a corned beef and then smoke it. That
> equals pastrami. I posted about that not long ago:

Yea I saw a show about the time I posted that that mentioned what part
the pastrami section comes from.

> Note that my pastrami was made from a trimmed brisket, not the whole
> big bad thang. Texas pit men usually opt for the whole cut when they
> smoke beef.
> --
> modom

Hate to say it but all I have is a gas grill to use that pretty much
sucks. I'm not real great on the grill either, no patience. When I do
have the patience it works out well.

> ambitious when it comes to fiddling with meat

I admire dedication and ambition to cooking and BBQ. I get lots of
meat for free, mostly wild meat and trout, gotta catch the trout
yourself though. Saves a lot of $$$$ Hopefully more beef in the
future. Maybe build a BBQ, I'll have to look into that. I know the
perfect place for it, it's like it was made for it.