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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default so who *is* that White House chef we heard about?

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> ml

Neat stuff. :-)

I think that'd be a very fun job. Cooking for important people...

There is a retired Whitehouse Chef that runs a small place in Sedona

He made the most divine Escargot! :-d
Mom and I were the only ones there at the moment since they'd just
opened for lunch and the chef came out and sat with us at the table
while we ate.

Wonderful memory. :-) I wish I had pics. <sigh>

Please don't ask me his name. I honestly don't remember.

I DO remember the snails (I later bought some Escargot dishes like the
ones he used) and the "death by chocolate" dessert he made...
Peace! Om

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