Thread: Good ribs
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Default Good ribs

On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 15:28:38 -0500, levelwave >

>modom wrote:
>> Aha! And here I was thinking you were an art critic. My apologies.
>> (Actually, I shouldn't have snapped at you in the first place. We all
>> feel the need to defend our professions now and again, but this is not
>> a proper forum for such things. And by the way, my spelling sucks
>> rocks.)

>apology accepted... now accept mine... I was a little surprised at your
>hostility to my OP... I followed the link to your website and started
>browsing through the various art galleries... I just inquired about the
>lady to get you talking about your art and threw the breasts thing in
>there for the heck of it... It occurred to me after I hit send that said
>woman may possibly be a relative or wife... anyways... the paintings
>were cool... and way better than anything Bob Ross churned out

Thanks. Of course, I've seen blank canvasses that had more honesty
and visual appeal than BR's usual demonstration pieces.

The models are anonymous. I find the pictures various places and
munge them electronically and then redo them in paint. Lately I've
been painting mostly words, however. The dotted women are over with
for the time being. The dots are still hanging around, though.

OBFood: Chili dogs for dinner tonight because the chicken didn't thaw.
