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Kswck Kswck is offline
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Default Happy Anniversary to

"Goomba" > wrote in message
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> the aluminum beer can

> oh lordie.. I'm showing my memory (precocious infant that I was!) but I
> recall my father using a "church key" to open beers with, making two cuts
> on opposite sides of the can. Then came those pull off tabs that could
> slice you fingers so well.
> Was there any other type before the current model? I can't recall that...?
> I can just imagine the trash these days if the tabs weren't attached to
> the cans these days. Slackers would have 2 pieces of aluminum to litter
> with instead of just one.

Coors had a can with pressure sensative 'dots' on top of their cans; large
one to drink out of and small one for air.