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Dimitri Dimitri is offline
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Default American chopsticks

"notbob" > wrote in message
> I'm sitting here watching an old episode of Law & Order. Both Waterston
> and
> Hennessy are eating Chinese out of take-out boxes with disposable
> chopsticks. Regulars know what I think about all the networks standard
> representation of NY'ers always eating Chinese in this manner. If you
> don't, I say it's all total crap.
> We've flogged this subject ad nauseum, but have we been honest about it.
> Yeah, we all use chopsticks in a restaurant cuz we wanna SHOW RESPECT for
> the CULTURE (eye-roll). BUT!!... what about take-out? I've been eating
> Chinese take-out all my life and have NEVER found those disposable
> chopsticks in the bag. Does that mean I should have them at home all the
> time?
> I may occasionally use chopsticks at home, but I'm weird. I know of NO
> 0NE
> else who does so. Maybe me and mine are declasse, but I doubt it. Do YOU
> really have your own chopsticks at home for yourself and guests and family
> when Asian food is on the menu? C'mon, be honest. (CC! ... a poll!)
> nb

Several points;

The local Chinese joint where I used to live kept Chinese condiments in bins
near the take out counter including some Tapered Bamboo disposable

As far as the Pine disposable kind I usually buy a packet of 50 or 100 to
keep on hand in the kitchen for cups of noodles etc.

IMHO it's the only way to properly eat sticky rice.
