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notbob notbob is offline
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Default American chopsticks

On 2009-01-25, Dan Abel > wrote:

> Weird is right. If you dislike chopsticks so much, why do you use them?

Damn Dan, you seem bent on misinterpreting everything I say. I never said I
dislike chopsticks. In fact, in past posts I've praised them. I'm just
fascinated by some folk's belief they have to use them for whatever PC
reason. It's like some sort of guilt thing if they don't use chopsticks to
eat Asian food. What nonsense.

Yes, I use them. It's a great excercise in eye-hand coordination. Sometimes
they are even more handy than western tableware. But, I'll be damned if I
feel OBLIGATED to use them just cuz I'm eating pork lon dow, in or out of a
Chinese restaurant. :\
