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Lin Lin is offline
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Default Trader Joe's Rack of Lamb +

sf wrote:

> What's up with that taste? Why? I had perfectly good rack of lamb
> yesterday that had a gamey undertone. Ugh.

I've noticed the same with imported lamb. Removing as much of the fell
as possible on a leg or a roast seems to help, especially on older
critters (mutton).

We have our "Lamb Guy" Dan that goes to the farmers markets we attend.
Coincidentally, the butcher we like processes his lamb and carries his
products. I won't buy from a grocer's meat case ever again. Price-wise,
he's comparable to the store, but the product is so much better (and

"Founded in 2001, Flying Mule Farm produces summer and fall vegetables,
grassfed lamb, pastured poultry and eggs, firewood and custom milled
lumber. We use modern mule-powered equipment and other ecologically
sustainable methods to produce the highest quality food and wood
products for our community. We also provide habitat restoration and
land management services."

And for the dog people, he uses Akbash, Maremma and Anatolians as his
flock guards. I'm a Kuvasz person myself, so I get the warm fuzzies when
I see pictures of his dogs on the website and his brochures. He's
talking about a litter of pups with the Maremma as stud and I was
considering one, but we are such city people the dog wouldn't fit in
here. Let's just say their "social" skills are a bit lacking, but damn
they are loyal to their owners.

He's got several recipes on his site that I really need to try. He said
most of them come from his customers.
