Thread: beef brisket
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Mitch@_._ Mitch@_._ is offline
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Default beef brisket

This is freaking amazing:

Oklahoma Joe's Smoked Brisket Flat

1/4 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup sugar
2 Tbs garlic powder
2 Tbs onion powder
2 Tbs Spanish paprika
2 Tbs chili powder
1 Tbs celery salt
1 Tbs lemon pepper
1 Tbs freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp freshly ground white pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 (5 to 8 pound) beef brisket (flat cut)

1. Using sharp knife, cut slits in fat cap, spaced 1 inch apart, in
crosshatch pattern, being careful to not cut into meat.

2. Soak wood chips in water to cover for 30 minutes; drain. Place
brisket on rimmed baking sheet. Cover entire brisket with dry rub.

3. Drain chips and place 2 cups in small disposable aluminum pan.
Place remaining 2 cups in another small disposable aluminum pan along
with 1 cup water. Set pans on primary burner (burner that will remain
on during barbecuing). Place the 9-inch aluminum pie plate filled with
2 cups water on other burner(s). Position cooking grate over burners.
Turn all burners to high and heat with lid down until very hot, about
15 minutes. Scrape grate clean with grill brush. Turn primary burner
to medium-high and turn off other burner(s).

4. Place brisket fat-side down on grate over cooler side of grill, as
far away from fire as possible without touching wall of grill. If
brisket has pronounced thicker side, position it facing fire. Loosely
tent meat with aluminum foil or build foil shield (see illustration
below). Cook, without raising lid, for 3 hours. Transfer brisket to
wire rack set in rimmed baking sheet lined with foil.

5. Meanwhile, adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325
degrees. Roast brisket until tender and instant-read thermometer
inserted into thickest part of meat registers 195 degrees, 1 1/2 to 2
hours. Transfer brisket to cutting board and let rest for 30 minutes,
loosely tented with foil. Cut brisket across grain into long, thin
slices and serve immediately.