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TammyM TammyM is offline
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Posts: 508
Default Sunday afternoon and evening in brief

"Dan Abel" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "modom (palindrome guy)" > wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 03:40:03 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>> >good zin gets premium prices. Don't even mention white zin, as it's a
>> >bogus
>> >crap wine make for wine pussies.
>> >

>> Hear about white zin. It's an abomination before the eyes of...well
>> somebody's eyes, anyway. I see your line of reasoning about the issue
>> of how widely planted the varietal is and its use in cheap wines, and
>> I have no idea. I didn't write that stuff above, just quoted it.

> The story I heard, was that there used to be a glut of zinfandel, and
> somebody was wondering just what to do with it? Well, how about making
> a white wine out of it? And so white zin was born, except, of course,
> that it's really pink. Chill it well, pack it in a picnic basket with
> some mediocre food, and give it to your wine-dead kid to get his date
> half drunk with.

I am shocked, SHOCKED, I say, that a man of your character would even begin
to suggest giving it to a kid to get his date half drunk with.

Seriously. Ending a sentence with a preposition. Simply APPALLING!
