In article >,
"MarieD" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
> > In article
> > >,
> > James > wrote:
> >
> >> I have. After the buck ran into my new compact car and did over $1700
> >> damage, you bet your deer he ended up in my freezer.
> >
> > That's not legal in most states tho'.
> I wonder why it would be illegal?
I know it's senseless, but it is in Texas. :-( Did not used to be if you
tagged it during hunting season but I'm told that that's changed.
Very wasteful.
Besides, it's a very expensive way to hunt deer. <g>
> We are almost out of deer meat. We got two this season and I love it, I
> never taste any "gamey" taste to it and cook it like any other meat.
> Spaghetti and deerballs is my favorite ;o)
> Marie
I still have a hindquarter that was gifted to me. I intend to make
sausage out of it.
Peace! Om
"Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once." -- Anonymous