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modom (palindrome guy)[_3_] modom (palindrome guy)[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 575
Default so who *is* that White House chef we heard about?

On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 08:28:24 -0800, sf > wrote:

>On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 08:09:55 -0500, "Kswck" >
>>God, the FBI and professional chemical testers to get another bunch of
>>parsley or a pound of butter.

>I think they need to set up a self sustaining kitchen. Put in a
>greenhouse for heaven's sake! How hard is it to grow parsley?
>Pasture a milking cow on the white house lawn... you know where the
>milk came from and house made butter from that. TaDa! Problem

"This meant that nearly all the product used was obtained from local
growers and suppliers. There was a small garden on the roof of the
White House where produce was grown.

"The ethic of the purchasing and the cooking at the White House under
my direction and under the continuing direction of Cris Comerford is
one of respect for the pedigree of the product and manner it is grown,
gathered, raised or caught."

An excerpt from a letter to the NY Times by Walter Scheib, White House
chef 1994-2005

"All purchasing for the White House kitchen is done anonymously and
randomly for security reasons. They [the Secret Service] don't want
anyone to know where the food comes from. We bought from whomever we
wanted to, and if anyone ever publicized that they were selling to us,
we cut them off."

An excerpt from an interview with Scheib.

ambitious when it comes to fiddling with meat