American chopsticks
Arri wrote on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:30:33 -0700:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Jan 27, 12:39 pm, (LOU NEWNAN CHAPMAN) wrote:
> >> I love chopsticks...what an invention. I always use
> >> them...great for stir-fry. How can you eat Chinese ,
> >> Japanese, Thai, etc. without using chopsticks???
>> With a fork, of course. Employ your imagination for a
>> moment.
>> Thais don't use chopsticks, IIRC.
> Generally just for noodle dishes served in bowls. Not with
> rice; fork and spoon.
>> I use whatever tool is provided. Most often it's a fork in
>> Chinese restaurants and hashi in Japanese restaurants, here
>> in the whitebread Midwest.
>> Cindy Hamilton
This is actually a response to Cindy but the difference between the
larger Chinese chopsticks (whose name I don't know) and Japanese ones
(hashi) might be useful if restaurants of either sort around here did
not provide the same small paper-wrapped ones. Of course, I don't know
what Vietnamese, Koreans and Thais actually call chopsticks either.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: