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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default so who *is* that White House chef we heard about?

Lou wrote:

>>> I thought gitmo was closing and all the residents were moving to DC?

>> Those Gitmo detainees would be a *vast* improvement over many of the DC
>> dwellers...

> I can't say as I've never been there. I don't plan on going there
> until Sarah Palin and Joe the plumber win over the whitehouse.

One thing to note is that our relations toward Cuba appear to be warming
with Obama in the White House. It's entirely conceivable that Guantanamo Bay
could become a tourist destination in the next four years.

I *have* been to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, and it's gorgeous. If the
detention camp and the base were closed and the lease were terminated, I can
see the Cuban government trying to turn it into a world-class resort. I can
also see corruption causing that effort to flop.
