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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default rice cooking liquids

i know that some folks swear by using stock instead of water to make rice.
i'm wondering if there are limits to what kind of liquid can be used.

what i have in mind is that i make this stove-top pot roast with cabbage,
and there is always a lot of the cooking liquid (which i use as a kind of a
sauce) left over. could i use this to make rice? the post roast is cooked
in a mixture of beer and pineapple juice, with a little soy, lemon juice,
a little brown sugar some other spices, and of course would have some of
the juices from the beef and cabbage in it as well. could i cook rice with
this (and probably some water added)?

(yes, i know that it would be a pretty cheap experiment, but i'm interested
in what some of you kitchen wizards, chemists, and physicists think.)

your pal,