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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Default Spices every kitchen should contain??

"cshenk" > wrote in

> If you want to make Cajun add:
> File powder

You've mentioned that previously, and I thought it was a typo, so went
and looked it up.

"Filé powder, sometimes called gumbo filé, (say fee-lay) will thicken a
gumbo and add a distinctive kick of flavor. It is a simple ingredient
made from ground sassafras leaves. That's all, nothing more."

> Stray is the 'old bay' seasoning can. Useful all the time in many
> different ways. Suggest getting that right away. Not just for
> seafood boil! Works great on chicken too.

'Old Bay' was used a few times last night during the USA Food

From the southern fried chicken, to the Chesapeake Bay crab cakes.

I'll certainly be trying the crabcakes, and the cornbread.

Peter Lucas

Soldati, io esco da Roma. Chi vuole continuare la guerra contro lo
straniero venga con me. Non posso offrigli ne¤ onori ne¤ stipendi; gli
offro fame, sete, marce forzate, battaglie e morte. Chi ama la Patria mi

—Garibaldi, Giuseppe