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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default rice cooking liquids

On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 17:09:16 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:

>I had a rice cooker for years but then I lent it to a friend. and I don't
>miss it at all, a pot on top of the stove works just fine. A rice cooker is
>nice to have, but it falls into the "unnecessary" category for me...YMMV,

Yes, that has been my attitude for all these years, but lately I have
been trying to eat more whole grains, as well as more brown rice. And
I have heard through various food blogs and such, that the rice
cookers do a much better job than cooking it on top of the stove. Not
sure why, but it is a selling point for me.

Plus I hear it cooks steel cut oats very well... And when I eat
oatmeal, which is pretty often, I go with steel cut oats.
