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Peter-Lucas Peter-Lucas is offline
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Posts: 249
Default Do you use disposable gloves during cooking?

Goomba > wrote in

> Peter-Lucas wrote:
>> Goomba > wrote in

>>> I must have skin like an elephant or something? Peppers don't bother
>>> my hands.

>> They'd certainly bother other parts of your body if you touched
>> yourself with them :-)

> And I have once years ago-accidentally touched my eyes. Woooweee that
> was painful. Yet haven't had that mishap happen again and don't seem
> to find peppers particularly painful to my hands.

Samesame. I can cut them all day without any effect to my hands, but all
you have to do is forget what you're doing for a few seconds, or just
dry your hands on paper towel/cloth, and go to scratch yourself
inadvertantly (as guys do!!) and then you suddenly remember what it was
you were cutting up :-)

Peter Lucas

Soldati, io esco da Roma. Chi vuole continuare la guerra contro lo
straniero venga con me. Non posso offrigli ne¤ onori ne¤ stipendi; gli
offro fame, sete, marce forzate, battaglie e morte. Chi ama la Patria mi

—Garibaldi, Giuseppe