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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default American chopsticks

On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 14:18:22 -0800, "Dimitri" >

>I hope I can describe the simple technique.
>Take the wrapper and about 1" in fold at an angle so the long flap comes
>down at a 90 degree angle, where the almost like the first fold of a paper
>airplane. Take the tail and do it again and you'll have a pyramid at the top
>of the paper. A third fold and then a fourth fold in the same manner will
>leave a perfect square, tuck the long end under the first fold and you're
>Adding machine tape (paper) makes perfect practice paper.

I can't visualize that. I'm too used to making the triangle fold.
Does anything here ring true?

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