rice cooking liquids
On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 19:30:11 +0000 (UTC), Steve Pope wrote:
> blake murphy > wrote:
>> i know that some folks swear by using stock instead of water
>> to make rice. i'm wondering if there are limits to what kind
>> of liquid can be used.
> When cooking either rice or beans, I consider water the baseline
> liquid to use, and will consider using stock or broth of some
> sort, but only by making a direct comparison to a similar
> baseline recipe using water. The thing to watch out for, in
> my expreisnce, is texture problems. I speculate that particulates
> in the broth can interfere with the ability of beans or grains
> of rice to absorb liquid.
> One approach I sometimes use for risotto is to start out using
> water, then when about 3/4 of the liquid has been added, switch
> to stock.
> Steve
after repeated re-heatings, it turns out i have less (and thicker) liquid
than i thought.
but thank you, steve, james, bill, om, lin, barb, and dimitri for your
your pal,