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pure kona pure kona is offline
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Posts: 397
Default Wildly OT - Fun with Damsel and Crash

On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 21:45:59 -0800 (PST), wrote:

>Okay, most of you know that we were forced to move in the middle of
>one of the worst cold snaps, with some of the worst snow of my
>lifetime. You may also recall that our car's engine blew up about a
>week and a half ago.
>Those were easy.

Oh Carol. I don't even know what to say. You never ask for sympathy
and write like it is just a series of happenings, but when I think
about what you've said, it totally amazes me that a human can live
through it. Poor Crash-wow! You have terrific inner strength and it
is totally admirable.

If I could, I'd enclose some sun rays for you, but can't, so just keep
"hanging tough" as we say here. (It comes from riding a surfboard on a
big wave, going down the face of the wave, but it sort of applies to
you both too.- So Hang Tough!! indeed.)

hugs and warmest aloha,