Kathleen > wrote in news:n2lgl.90640
> blake murphy wrote:
>>>>They probably still believe all that stuff you Yanks told us about
>>>>those people being "The worst of the worst." ;-)
>>>I heard the other day that 4 out of 5 inmates that have already been
>>>released have gone back to terrorist groups.
>> bullshit.
> <snip>
> Damn it. Blake. How dare you go dragging facts into the discussion!
Time to fix that bullet hole in your foot, loudmouth, and then stick it
firmly back in your mouth.
"A Pentagon tally of the detainees released show that 122 were
transferred from Guantanamo in 2007, more than any other year so far."
So with 61 'suspected' returnees to the terrorists, that makes the odds
2 out of 4, not 4 out of 5.
If even *one* goes back to being in a terroist organisation, it's *one*
too many. But I'm sure you and the terrorist lover murphy will disagree
with that one.
"According to the Pentagon, at least 18 former Guantanamo detainees have
"returned to the fight" and 43 others are suspected of resuming
terrorist activities. Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell declined to
provide the identity of the former detainees or say what their terrorist
activities were."
"That announcement, which carried the video post of al-Shihri, also
included a second video of a second militant who identified himself as
Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi and claimed he had also been a Guantanamo
captive, later released."
Peter Lucas
Soldati, io esco da Roma. Chi vuole continuare la guerra contro lo
straniero venga con me. Non posso offrigli ne¤ onori ne¤ stipendi; gli
offro fame, sete, marce forzate, battaglie e morte. Chi ama la Patria mi
—Garibaldi, Giuseppe