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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Starbucks closings.

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>> Andy > : in
>>> Starbucks closings.
>>> Starbucks announces 300 more store closures. That in addition to the
>>> 2008 600 store closings.
>>> Oh the humanity!!!
>>> Where am I gonna wi-fi and be unsocial now???

>> Well you can pop into St. Louis and try Kaldi's. It's privately owned. If
>> you don't mind *** coffee houses we've got The Grind, Coffee Cartel and
>> MoKabees(sp) as well. We're not going to suffer if a few Starbucks close.
>> Except with unemployment of course.

> The idiots can always get jobs at McD's or Burger Circus or Chipotle, those
> places are booming even in this economy and so they are hiring...
> Glad to see Starsux having a run of bad luck, they drove a LOT of
> independents outta bizness, several here in my Chicawgo nabe...their bad
> korporate karma has come back to bite them, fie on them and hang 'em high I
> say.

It is something of a paradox though because even though they are a big
box place that killed independents they actually paid their employees a
decent wage and had actual medical benefits etc. I would rather be
cheering if a rotten outfit like walmart closed up shop.