James Silverton wrote:
> blake wrote on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 16:32:09 GMT:
> > Why bother to do fact checking when it is so much easier to just write
> >down whatever you are told?
> Apparently there are serious doubts about the story of children being
> killed in a UN school in Gaza: http://tinyurl.com/cmru8y (From the
> Toronto Globe and Mail) Tho' Israel did not help itself by the way it
> denied the story.
If Hamas did not embed their military facilities within schools, hospitals,
homes for the aged, etc. and thus endangering innocents then this would not
be an "issue". They deliberately do this, knowing that certain quarters of
the world press will be "sympathetic" towards their cause when of course
Israel comes in to clean up and there are the resultant casualties.
Hamas is also pretty slick at holding up, diverting, and thieving
humanitarian aid at the Gaza checkpoints and then crying "foul" at Israel...
When the IDF incursion started and Gazan civilian casualties were occurring
a BBC programme was interviewing a pro - "Palestinian" Arab caught in the
debris of a destroyed block of flats along with a member of the IDF. The
interviewer asked the Israeli about the civilian casualties and the Israeli
said, "It's unfortunate, but this is war...". The interviewer then said,
"Yes, but how does this make you feel as a human being...!!!???", to which
the Israeli replied: "Did you ask Hamas that question...???".