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darren darren is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 33
Default Starbucks closings.

I say the more Starbucks that close, the better!
Their coffee is dreadful, and way too expensive.
Drinking their coffee has become more of a status-symbol than anything
else, imho. Many people just want to be seen carrying a cup of
Starbucks coffee.
With the tough economic times we are in, many people will no doubt
have to cut out their daily $5.00 a cup of Starbucks coffee, or their
$9.00 Moccha-Cappa-Frappa-Frothy-Whatever drink.
I certainly don't mind paying a premium price for a premium product,
but Starbucks just isn't good enough to justify their prices.
Also, people now are taking a good look at what they are spending and
cutting out many expensive non-essential items.
I usually have my morning coffee at home. But if I ever have to get
coffee out, or "to go", I much prefer Duncan Donuts, McDonald's, or
7-11's over Starbucks. Better coffee and better price, imho!
Just my 2 cents...
