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Chu Mi Phany Chu Mi Phany is offline
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Default Your favorite hot dog joint?

"SteveB" > wrote in message
> "notbob" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 2009-01-31, Andy > wrote:
>>> nb,
>>> But... but... there's their famous secret green-dye relish recipe. Can't
>>> let that outta town now can ya??

>> Oh, they'll SELL it to you. Only $18 for relish, peppers, mustard, and
>> celery salt. Such a deal.
>>> I visited Chicago in 1985 on biz but we dined customers at upper crusty
>>> $100/plate places. Imagine me, a nerd in the windy city in a suit & tie
>>> (!!!) with a nose for junk food?!? Torture!

>> I was in Chicago for one day as a snot-nosed recruit in the service. Got
>> my
>> first lesson in street smarts when I was hustled for a questionable
>> diamond
>> ring. Apparently, I HAD just fallen off the turnip truck.
>> Later, I spent Jul-Aug about 100 miles South of Chicago. You couldn't
>> get
>> me back to IL at gunpoint!
>> nb

> Better watch what you say, or Blago may take you up on that.. ;-)
> Take you on a tour of some corn fields.
> Steve

Heaps of hot dogs in Australia now during the heat wave.
Best to make sure they are hydrated and have a cool place to sleep.