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Wim van Bemmel Wim van Bemmel is offline
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Posts: 145
Default Spices every kitchen should contain??

On Sat, 31 Jan 2009 17:56:04 -0800, Lin wrote:

> Denise in NH wrote:
>> I go to an art and photography show every year at a local herb farm,
>> and they always sell Lavender cookies. I don't really like them, but
>> that's besides the point.

> Yes, Penzey's has lavender in their mix, but it's number nine out of 11
> ingredients, so there isn't a whole lot there. The Wiki article on it
> says "... and sometimes lavender flowers and other herbs. (Some cooks
> maintain that lavender is an essential ingredient of true herbes de
> provence.)"
> Last Fall, we had some friends over for a little group cooking. We made
> a Vanilla Rosemary Chicken stuffed with Lavender Rice.
> I purchased the lavender from a local vendor that comes to most of the
> farmer's markets. Bob used it in some lavender popovers at Thanksgiving.
> They were simply amazing. However, we have tried it in a couple of
> things where it was quite overpowering.
> Lavender. A little dab will do ya.

Who will better know than the French?

I will translate for you: "The traditional Herbes de Provençe consists of
just Origan, Thyme, Romarin and Sarriette ".

Some commercial mixes contain Lavande or Lavandin as well, amongst others,
so beware, if you think, like me, that lavender is ment for parfumerie.

Groet, salut, Wim.