Idea I just had
On Sat 31 Jan 2009 11:33:43a, zxcvbob told us...
> Thinking about canning some hamhocks to use as bean soup starter. Just
> put one small hamhock and a bayleaf in a pint jar (probably have to be
> wide-mouth.) And maybe a dash of "Louisiana" hot sauce (the cheap
> vinegar-and-cayenne kind.) Fill with water (1" headspace) and process
> about 70 minutes. Wha'd'ya think? Dumb idea? I'd add a jar during the
> last half hour when cooking a pound of dried beans.
> Bob
I suppose it could work, though I don't know about the timing. Although I
don't care for the taste of *any* canned meat product.
Wayne Boatwright
e-mail to wayneboatwright at gmail dot com
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Date: Saturday, 01(I)/31(XXXI)/09(MMIX)
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Countdown till President's Day
2wks 1dys 5hrs 21mins
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I tried switching to gum but couldn't keep it lit.
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