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Stan Horwitz Stan Horwitz is offline
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Default Your favorite hot dog joint?

In article >, Andy > wrote:

> Your favorite hot dog joint?
> Watching "Food Paradise: Hot Dogs" and am so very tempted!
> The Varsity in Atlanta George looks like a winner!
> No dedicated hot dog place in PA that I know of.

I have been to the Varsity in Atlanta. Its great, but I wouldn't
consider the Varsity a hot dog joint. In Philadelphia, the only two hot
dog joints I know of closed years ago. There was Lenny's Hot Dogs in
Northeast Philly, which was popular for decades. It closed, then years
later, it reopened with the same menu (hot dogs and fish cakes), but in
Southampton, which is a few miles north of Philly.

There was also Levis' hot dogs, which was in Center City on 6th Street.
Maybe a block or two a block away from where Jim's steaks is. Levis' had
a store for a brief time in the Northeast, but it never did well. The
original Levi's had Champ Cherry soda, which was very popular, and the
country's oldest soda fountain. The menu at Levis' was similar to
Lenny's. Hot dogs and fish cake sandwiches. At either place, you could
get a hot dog on a bun with a fish cake smashed over it. This was a very
popular sandwich at both places.

I can't think of any hot dog joints now, other then the one in the
student union building on Temple University's campus where the hot dogs
are sold in boxes that include tater tots. The dogs there are pretty