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Default Starbucks closings.

Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> I totally agree, Barbara. I only drink iced coffees, but I have an Iced
> Venti Americano on my way to work every morning. Sometimes I have the same
> thing on the way home, but with a couple of pumps of mocha.

Agreeing with sf and Wayne here. I like Starbucks, but I very rarely get
their latte or mocha drinks. Straight, unflavored coffee for me. Usually
though, it's the whole bean coffees I like and I grind at home. We have
plenty of coffee houses around here. I prefer the Starbucks -- whether
it be at one of their stand-alone coffee houses or the kiosk at my
grocer. Nice thing about our little kiosk is that when I buy a pound of
coffee, they give me a free cup of fresh brewed stuff that I sip on as I

So, please don't try to tell me how it tastes burned or bitter. Not what
I've been getting, and with all the stores that were opened, not what
others were getting either. Supply and demand. I like what I've gotten
here and the little guys haven't proven that they have anything better
(though most of the time the little guy does cost more for the roasted

I for one am disappointed to see stores closing and people out of work
-- but it's that way EVERYWHERE right now. Has nothing to do with the
cup of coffee they brew. And if you'll pardon the pun, it's part of the
"trickle down" effect and when you have to choose between coffee or a
gallon of gas to get to work, that gallon of gas is going to win and
stores will close. Come to think of it, people are driving LESS as well
even with lower gas prices.
