Your favorite hot dog joint?
I spent three years in Detroit in the mid 90's and at a lot of
Michigan Coney Dogs at National Coney Island. Those were quite good.
It consisted of a hot dog bun with a slice of american cheese on it,
then the hot dog, and then loose meat (browned hamburger meat) and
beanless chili on top, with onions and mustard on top. Very messy;
for best results use a knife and fork to eat it. I went thru the
Detroit airport a couple years ago and they had a National Coney
Island there, and of course I got the Coney Dog, but was disappointed
in that they topped it with some type of Cheese Whiz instead of the
slice of cheese.
Spent a few years in Cincinnati and used to eat the chili dogs at
Skyline and Gold Star and those were great.