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HeavyOrange HeavyOrange is offline
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Default Starbucks closings.

"Lin" > wrote in message
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> I totally agree, Barbara. I only drink iced coffees, but I have an Iced
>> Venti Americano on my way to work every morning. Sometimes I have the
>> same thing on the way home, but with a couple of pumps of mocha.

> Agreeing with sf and Wayne here. I like Starbucks, but I very rarely get
> their latte or mocha drinks. Straight, unflavored coffee for me. Usually
> though, it's the whole bean coffees I like and I grind at home. We have
> plenty of coffee houses around here. I prefer the Starbucks -- whether it
> be at one of their stand-alone coffee houses or the kiosk at my grocer.
> Nice thing about our little kiosk is that when I buy a pound of coffee,
> they give me a free cup of fresh brewed stuff that I sip on as I shop.
> So, please don't try to tell me how it tastes burned or bitter. Not what
> I've been getting, and with all the stores that were opened, not what
> others were getting either. Supply and demand. I like what I've gotten
> here and the little guys haven't proven that they have anything better
> (though most of the time the little guy does cost more for the roasted
> beans).
> I for one am disappointed to see stores closing and people out of work --
> but it's that way EVERYWHERE right now. Has nothing to do with the cup of
> coffee they brew. And if you'll pardon the pun, it's part of the "trickle
> down" effect and when you have to choose between coffee or a gallon of gas
> to get to work, that gallon of gas is going to win and stores will close.
> Come to think of it, people are driving LESS as well even with lower gas
> prices.
> --Lin

That's true.