Stan Horwitz said...
> In article >, Andy > wrote:
>> Your favorite hot dog joint?
>> Watching "Food Paradise: Hot Dogs" and am so very tempted!
>> The Varsity in Atlanta George looks like a winner!
>> No dedicated hot dog place in PA that I know of.
> I have been to the Varsity in Atlanta. Its great, but I wouldn't
> consider the Varsity a hot dog joint. In Philadelphia, the only two hot
> dog joints I know of closed years ago. There was Lenny's Hot Dogs in
> Northeast Philly, which was popular for decades. It closed, then years
> later, it reopened with the same menu (hot dogs and fish cakes), but in
> Southampton, which is a few miles north of Philly.
> There was also Levis' hot dogs, which was in Center City on 6th Street.
> Maybe a block or two a block away from where Jim's steaks is. Levis' had
> a store for a brief time in the Northeast, but it never did well. The
> original Levi's had Champ Cherry soda, which was very popular, and the
> country's oldest soda fountain. The menu at Levis' was similar to
> Lenny's. Hot dogs and fish cake sandwiches. At either place, you could
> get a hot dog on a bun with a fish cake smashed over it. This was a very
> popular sandwich at both places.
> I can't think of any hot dog joints now, other then the one in the
> student union building on Temple University's campus where the hot dogs
> are sold in boxes that include tater tots. The dogs there are pretty
> good.
You're the man!
Thanks for filling in some interesting historical hot dog blanks.
rfc membership... I have a sneaking suspicion Stan is a direct descendant
of Ben Franklin! The guy just knows TOO MUCH!!! He's definitely a member of
the rfc cabal. TINC.
Waves to Stan!
Go Steelers!!!