Starbucks closings.
sf wrote:
> Frankly I can't understand why people say Starbucks coffee is so
> terrible. It's pretty damned good, so IMO those people are used to
> drinking dirty dishwater masquerading as coffee.
I agree. I have never had a problem with their coffee. Waiting a long
time to get one has been a problem. Finding a place to sir down and
enjoy that coffee has been a problem. I don't mind spending more for a
good cup of coffee and a nice place to drink it, but 50% extra is a
little steep
> Starbucks expanded way too quickly, anybody could see the writing on
> the wall. They would have had to cut back even if there wasn't a
> recession.
Has it expanded faster than Tim Hortons? They are everywhere around
here. I live in a town of 15,000 and there are 3 of them in town. There
are cities around here where you can't drive more than a few blocks
without seeing one.