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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Starbucks closings.

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> I totally agree, Barbara. I only drink iced coffees, but I have an Iced
> Venti Americano on my way to work every morning. Sometimes I have the same
> thing on the way home, but with a couple of pumps of mocha.
> David insists that Starbucks puts something in their drinks to make them
> addictive. :-)
> The only Starbucks anywhere near the Phoenix area that is closing is one
> located in a very obscure little town. Don't know why they put one there
> in the first place.

You are lucky, given your coffee-drinking habits. I don't know
what might happen to the various Starbucks here. I don't remember
the last time I ventured into one--I guess it was when they had
their divine hot chocolate.

Jean B.